Location Details

Rating average :
2 (View all ratings.)
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Location (Update this location.)

Location details : Club Anything
807 S. 5th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Environment : Bar
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/clubanything/
Hours :
7 days a week/9pm - 2am
Amenities :
Two fully stocked bar, outdoor bier garden, dance floor, DJs, pool
table, video games
Updated : 2005-06-06 15:06:38

Machines (Add a machine.)

Machine Condition  Notes / Price Updated    
Ripley's Believe It or Not!® Good
2005-10-05 12:19:33
Indianapolis 500 Bad
That's the best answer by far! Thanks
for conrtibtuing.
That's the best answer by far! Thanks
for conrtibtuing.
2011-12-26 02:01:30
Anonymous coward
Jet Spin Tolerable
To begin, I must say a few of the
sneakers seen above deilifteny caught my
eye; that's coming from a man who hasn't
worn a pair of sneakers in over 10
years!!! For my own reasons, I avoid
them, but I gracefully transitioned to
the  non-sneaker  lifestyle.
To begin, I must say a few of the
sneakers seen above deilifteny caught my
eye; that's coming from a man who hasn't
worn a pair of sneakers in over 10
years!!! For my own reasons, I avoid
them, but I gracefully transitioned to
the  non-sneaker  lifestyle.
2014-06-24 03:41:44
Anonymous coward
The Champion Pub Tolerable
I would like to get information. How can
I pucahrse?  My son inlaw is been
wrongly accused of child abuse. My 4year
old granddaughter fell out of the car,
hit her head, which caused brain tauma.
Doctors are saying that this could not
have happen from a fa
I would like to get information. How can
I pucahrse?  My son inlaw is been
wrongly accused of child abuse. My 4year
old granddaughter fell out of the car,
hit her head, which caused brain tauma.
Doctors are saying that this could not
have happen from a fa
2015-10-12 07:51:17
Anonymous coward

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